What is the Declaration of Independence?
Basically, the Declaration is a document written and
signed in 1776 that declared American’s independence from England and
established the thirteen original colonies as their own independent nation, the
United States of America.
The Declaration of Independence is one of the most
important documents in the history of the United States. The Declaration of
Independence was the first formal statement by a nation’s people asserting
their right to choose their own government.
Why was the Declaration of Independence written?
It was written because American wanted freedom and
England was oppressing the colonies, the king of England George III was doing
what monarchs do best which is being a tyrant. So, what was left was either the
Americans had to give into the oppression or stand against it and break free
from England’s control, and obviously, they chose the latter, they would rather
die fighting for freedom than live under a tyrants control because tensions had
been rising in the American colonies for years and emotions read a tipping
It lays out five principles that lay the foundation for their opposition to tyranny:
- All men are created equal.
- Our rights come from God.
- Every individual has the God-given right to live life, to live in freedom, and the own property.
- The purpose of government is to protect our God-given rights.
- When government fail to protect our rights, and instead and fringes on them, the people have the responsibility to alter or abolish that government and to institute a new government that actually fulfills its rightful purpose.
To sum up, the Declaration is a document that declares American’s independence from England and stablishes 13 original colonies as the United States of America; it was written because the colonies were being oppressed by England and for the sake of freedom were forced to break away from England’s control, and basically, the Declaration gives 27 reasons why the king was a tyrant and then it declares America’s independence from England.
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